Installation for development

CloudLaunch is made up of three services: the server, the user interface (UI), and a message queue. All three processes need to run for the application to function properly. See instructions below on how to install and start each of the processes.

Install the server

CloudLaunch is based on Python 3.6 and although it may work on older Python versions, 3.6 is the only supported version. Use of Conda or virtualenv is also highly advised.

  1. Checkout CloudLaunch and create an isolated environment
$ conda create --name cl --yes python=3.6
$ conda activate cl
$ git clone
$ cd cloudlaunch
$ pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
$ cd django-cloudlaunch
  1. Create a local copy of the settings file and make any desired configuration changes. No changes are required for CloudLaunch to run but it is advisable to at least update the value of the fernet key.
  1. Run the migrations and create a superuser
$ python migrate
$ python createsuperuser
  1. Start the web server and Celery in separate tabs. If you do not have Redis installed, you can install it via Conda: conda install -c anaconda redis
$ python runserver
$ redis-server & celery -A cloudlaunchserver worker -l info --beat
  1. Visit to define appliances and add cloud providers.
  2. Visit to explore the API.

Install the UI

  1. Clone the source code repository
$ git clone
$ cd cloudlaunch-ui
  1. Install required libraries

Make sure you have node (version 6.*) installed (eg, via Conda, conda install -c conda-forge nodejs). Then install the dependencies.

# Install typescript development support
npm install -g tsd
# Install angular-cli
npm install -g @angular/cli
# Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Run the development server

Start the development server with

npm start

Or if you use yarn as your preferred package manager, yarn start.

Access the server at http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

If you are installing this on a VM instead your local machine and need to access the UI over the network, instead of using npm start, use ng serve --host --disable-host-check --proxy-config proxy.conf.json The UI should be availale on the host IP address, port 4200.