Social Auth Setup

After you have setup the server, you will probably want to setup social auth to be able to log in using an external service. This setup is required for end-users so they can self register. If you are setting this up on localhost, use GitHub or Twitter.

Integration with GitHub

  1. Register your server with GitHub: Visit your Github account Settings → Developer settings and add a new OAuth application. Settings should look as in the following screenshot. Note port 4200 on the Authorization callback URL; this needs to match the port on which the CloudLaunch UI is served (4200 is the default). Also take note of the Client ID and Client Secret at the top of that page as we’ll need that back in CloudLaunch.
  1. Back on the local server, login to Django admin and change the domain of in Sites to To login to Admin, you’ll need the superuser account info that was created when setting up the server.
  2. Still in Django Admin, now navigate to Social Accounts → Social applications and add a new application. Select GitHub as the provider, supply a desired application name, and enter the Client ID and Client Secret we got from GitHub. Also choose the site we updated in Step 2.

Save the model and integration with GitHub is complete! You can now log in to the CloudLaunch UI using Github.

Integration with Twitter

  1. Register your dev server under your Twitter account. Visit, click Create New App, and fill out the form as in the following screenthot. Once the app has been added, click on the Keys and Access Tokens tab and take a note of Consumer Key (API Key) and Consumer Secret (API Secret).
  1. Proceed with the same steps as in the docs about about GitHub integration, supplying the Consumer Key (API Key) and Consumer Secret (API Secret) as the values of Client ID and Client Secret for the new defintion of the Social application.